Download the last version for windows O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297
Download the last version for windows O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297

Line spacing values between 1.01 and 1.09 did not work. The image dropdown gallery painted PNG thumbnail images with the wrong proportions. The editor has received an additional zoom state of 300%. Topic editor: on ultra-high resolution monitors, conditional text tags were displayed too large. SVG images: an updated SVG library is now capable of displaying text on a curved path. Table properties dialog: the table dialog has been made more intelligent and the message that offers reseting individual cell properties when changing the table in general, is only displayed if really necessary. Word/DOCX export: minor bug fix with lists Last, a very small glitch: in a rare case, single keyword index page numbers were printed but not linked.

download the last version for windows O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297

Toggle images that were part of numbered lists were shifted a few pixels to the right when used inside tables. We have reversed this printing rule – top-level entries (when used in the PDF template) are again always printed.In the PDF output, on ultra-high resolution displays, fixed-sized tables and the caption height of images was not calulated correctly, resulting in some tables being cut and image captions adding an unwanted gap below the caption.

download the last version for windows O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297 download the last version for windows O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297

What initially seemed to be a good idea turned out to be counter-productive for many users, who place single topics in the top level of the TOC to print multi-page introductions or appendixes, which in fact qualify for an “intro” page. In H+M version 7.0 we introduced a rule that single top-level topics (topics without sub-entries) should not generate a top-level intro page. PDF: One important change concerns top-level intro pages in PDF.

Download the last version for windows O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297